weird ways to commit suicide #34
Eat a cat that has eaten a bird with H5N1 virus.
I think up of weird ways to commit suicide >.<
We had just spent two hours in the late afternoon climbing uphill for an overview of Redang. What was in our minds to believe our guides/ new found friends to climb barefooted amidst bugs, twigs, sharp rocks at a 45 degree angle eludes me. Still hurting and still barefooted we climbed over rocks over to another pitch dark beach. They said there was blue sand. They also said climbing the hill was not going to be tough.
Always found taking potraits of other people intrusive, in my mind I'm trying to capture abit of their lives, hoping to conjure some story. There are also times where some moments are completely unphotographable. For me it would be those who live on the edges of polite society. The child who sells packets of tissue at the hawker centre; the lady with skin disease with clumps of hair still attached on her scalp begging for money at the corner of xiangyang and shaanxi road; the bow legged boy who gets on cautiously on the train to sell maps with his mother, both from out of town. I cannot meet their eyes, because I feel self-loathing that life is so unequally distributed, and even more so when thoughts of withholding money from them cross my mind as I assume they are from an organization that controlled their livelihoods. What good can I do? The money will not reach them anyway.
Ah Beng has gone to hamster heaven, may his little soul rest in peace. Before concluding there was a hamster heaven, Shanghai friend 3 posed the question if there was actually one. There must be one right? Right? Riiiigggght??? Then again, he had a point, hamsters breed like mad how would hamster heaven be able to handle all the shit and carpet of hamsters running over each other? IT IS AFTER ALL HAMSTER HEAVEN, I countered, they must have some miraculous way of clearing all that shit and feeding them and stopping them from breeding more. With other Shanghai friends coming up with alternative hypothesis that I have to burn a paper house, some hamster hell money (so Ah Beng can buy food himself) and a designated poop clearer. Such troopers these people are, to find amusement in such devastating situations *grin*
Checked into Great Dragon hotel in Beijing. Stood dazedly looking upon the immaculate room - perfect white sheets, flat-screen tv, fluffy pillows. Head hurting from flu, irritating coughs, exhausted from flights, complicated work, uncooperative colleagues. In that cumulative minute, tears uncontrollably welled. Blinking, I finally gave in and laid to rest my headstrong nature that always kept all these depressing moments strictly in check; and emptied all the loneliness, helplessness. Only for one minute, the allowance was only for one minute.
kitty says:
We haven't spoken since a year ago. Since clearing things up it hasn't been the same since we don't hang out as much.
Circa 2000. Was watching Oprah as she introduced "Tuesdays with Morrie" on her regular book club show. Usual books introduced were soppy, sometimes biographies are just plain hard to read and always meant to be angsty. I caught sight of a thin book which she adamantly proclaimed was a 'life-altering' book in her big voice and big hair. And she was right.
Dancing sparrows blithe,
Some of you have on occasion asked me how one can ever know that one loves someone - meaning someone one is considering as a partner for life until death or until the first divorce, whichever is sooner. Others among you have not asked me, but may have been wondering about this most important question.
Apparently someone has written a dummies handbook on rock/ indie/ pop-rock bands and the moves/ people they need as a synergy to be qualified as a band.
You know everyday I clean abit of my house now. That sounds good right?
*GROWL* I love men daddy is da best!
Tossing and turning in bed, it was silent, dark, unmoving. Eyelids were already screaming to close and get some rest, but none such reprieve. As I fumbled for the tv remote control, I realised for n-th night since coming back to Shanghai, sleep would evade me unless I heard some voices from some random dvd played; conversing in their Americanish lilt, while it ushered Mr. Sandman into my dreams.
周末的时候, 好像和一个朋友起了一点儿小别扭. 可能是自己太敏感了吧, 但不知不觉地把它挂在心上.
At a oh-so refined, tranquil setting of Ctizen Cafe, three twenty-somethings were discussing what to have for lunch. All whilst practising for leisurely sophistication; as all fabulous Silliporean twenty-somethings do.
Since last year, there was this pressing mystery that had to be solved.
Shanghai friend 2 sent me this yesterday and asked me who would I be in this mini-story. Water, said I, without hesitation.