Sunday, March 12, 2006

Ingredients of a rock band

Apparently someone has written a dummies handbook on rock/ indie/ pop-rock bands and the moves/ people they need as a synergy to be qualified as a band.

1. Someone needs sunglasses

2. Longish or big hair. (Longish hair defined as anything below the ears and fringe has to be same length as said hair)

3. Propping one leg on any stereo/ platform at the front of the stage while strumming electric guitar

4. Have to look fairly scruffy. Wearing sandals with socks, obviously signifying one's sacrifice for music that shoes don't matter at all! What else to exemplify struggling musician?

5. There has to be a botak* (it is a must in the dummies handbook for aspiring bands). Only botaks look grungy/ cool.

*botak - bald or skinhead

and last, but not least....

6. Force your friends to be your groupies. It's not so embarrassing that way to sing to a empty bar


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