Monday, March 06, 2006

you can take the girl out of SINgapore, but not the SINgapore out of the girl

At a oh-so refined, tranquil setting of Ctizen Cafe, three twenty-somethings were discussing what to have for lunch. All whilst practising for leisurely sophistication; as all fabulous Silliporean twenty-somethings do.

KF: "Eh, what is penne ar?"
WL: "Err...they look like tubes loh..."

KF: "Then fettucini leh?"
WL (straight faced, in a matter of fact tone): "Look like mee pok* loh...then spaghetti is mee kia**. Listen to the daughter of a noodle seller ok..."

Only Silliporeans can make such tok kong (Meaning: superb or top of the line) comparisons succintly.

Note: Mee pok* is flat, fattish looking and mee kia** is it's youngest brother being a lot skinniest. Seik mee (熟面)is middle brother, looks like linguini, mostly overlooked, like all middle children are. Used in many Singapore noodle based dishes.


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