Monday, March 06, 2006

Comparing snot

Since last year, there was this pressing mystery that had to be solved.

Where does all my snot come from? I mean the increase is simply mindboggling!

So at lunch yesterday, I decided this would be the day that all my suspicions would be come to a rest.

"Hey, did you realise that errrmmm...your snot has increased since you came to Shanghai?"

Series of furious nods with agreement. Oh yes, there was consensus! Not only had they increased, they were alot darker. We were definitely on to something.

After many rounds of discussions (ok I exaggerate), we concluded that Shanghai air is polluted with a capital P. Even more sad to say, Premier Wen's speech yesterday did not mention any other additional measures to measure economic impact of environmental degradation other than commitments to increase
energy efficiency. Gawd, summer is coming, can I really live without air-conditioning?


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