Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Texted parental units to enquire if they back home safe. Dad called to report turbulence on MU that lasted for an unusually long time. Despite all my complaints, it made my heart stop for a second. When I go on air travel, I just close my eyes and hope for the best. I've always lived according how I want, and in the past year, even more so. Holly Golightly, yes I am. Somehow when it comes to parental units, the fear of them dying was no less than when it dawned on me at 6 that one day they would be not around.


Amazing how much I speak to myself, have multiple conversations with myself about conversations with other people. Spoke to friends over MSN yesterday and realised how difficult it was to emphathise with their situation. Ended up feeling frustrated (not to mention already exhausted from working) at the situation. How does one send hugs or sincere words of comfort through electronic communication? Or when the other person is typing too fast for your moggled up brain to comprehend?


Self-amusement of the day: imagining everyone around me was a giant marshmallow. We're all wearing thick, poofy down jackets to ward against the cold. Nobody feels real pain when we bump into each other. Had an out of body experience of observing myself tottering around top heavy in my thin heels and so unbalanced made me grin. Had to catch myself in time, cannot seem demented. Just a few months ago in Nanjing I was amused by the same thing. Was wearing my marshmallow jacket as well and spied Tina stand there dazedly staring into space and decided to experiment my warped daydreams on her. I proceeded to jump and bounce into her to see if we would both mysteriously be repel from each another like rubber balls. Unfortunately that didn't happen. Fortunately she didn't fall. We laughed like crazy for the longest time.


Tina dressed up today. We shared knowing grins. She is going to moderate an all male group later, which explains the attention paid to what she's wearing (I feel i need to qualify she's already good looking without all that). Though we always joke that we must take note of the eligible bachelors, it was far from the truth. The truth is, we need to appear feminine enough to appeal to their hero-saving-the-damsel-in-distress instincts in them. Stroke their egos, pay them attention, right amount of eye contact & smiles and listen. Actually that applies to all forms of moderation and even daily human interaction. Just that men's buttons are a little easier to push *evil laugh*

Disclaimer: I do none of the above to my friends. Games like these should only be played at work or at people who aren't friends.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

have always wondered about how that works or how that can be good. the guys will just be trying to show off then in the focus groups and putting on various persona to impress the damsel. then how? you have heard of famous anthropologist margaret mead, yah?

I had only read of some critique of her work that said these tribal folks made up neat stories for the western researcher. but this wikipedia entry challenges that critique too. dunno how it all works, but scary to base tens of thousand dollars of money based on guys showing off to women - well, in some ways, serves them right, I suppose - the companies, I mean.

2:07 AM  

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