Saturday, February 04, 2006

Small footsteps

Finally spoke to my dad about going back to school for my masters after I've burnt out from research in a few years. He gave his blessings and support. By virtue that I'm the one earning and giving him money now (arranging imaginary balls), I no longer need his approval for many choices; obtaining it was a comfort.

This afternoon while browsing through some website and speaking to the dementor (who toments me by the way with many difficult questions whenever we speak, so he qualifies as that and almost drives me to dementia); was wondering where all the money for the 2 year MPhil course was going to come from. No idea. If I go Europe it'll be at least 11,000Euro, excluding living expenses - which I plan to get from selling used panties in Japan and Germany through ebay (common denominator: perverse), so that's already well thought out. So maybe HKUST would be a more feasible choice, but the oh so small apartments, so claustraphobic. 'No ideas' then started to materialize after talking to my dad. Had a pile of money I'm not spending on anything! Wooohooooo! If I don't touch it, in 2-3 years I'll have enough to run away from the real world and officially be a bum! ermm I mean student. Student without responsbility is irresponsbly studious.

Am blabbering, having withdrawal symptoms from not watching tv. Parents have taken over tv room and I'm banished into my boring room. I hope teaching assistants where I'll be studying are cute though. One can always hope for the best *grin*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

just so you know, when you are doing studies at the post grad stage, you will BE the teaching assistant. at that stage in your life, you will really be sort of hoping your professor is cute, at the same time that your students are hoping that their TA are cute.

7:54 PM  

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