Saturday, January 07, 2006

Before I crawl back into my shell...

Am in panic mode, so as usual, I do everything but work. another 5 min.

I've been thinking how come chinese restaurants/ weddings have to serve shark's fin and why it's such a symbol of value. To show that you value that person's presence through serving them a valuable delicacy. That is becoming more and more mind boggling to me. My chinesey roots understand this innately as I had been eating it for many years before deciding to give it up. Of course there's also that slippery slope argument many throw about being extreme and going completely vegetarian.

However, speaking on value; to value people, is truly to give them - your time. Time to listen, time to appreciate your presence, time for them to get to know you and know that you accept them for all the weird ways they are, time to know they will not be lonely even when there's noone around them. I ask myself when I was truly delighted or touched; and trust me, none of them involved anything expensive. The most recent was just a few minutes ago when a girl I got to know working on a account (she's from an advertising agency) and she remembered that I wanted to buy a kind of toy that reminded me of my childhood; found a link to the toy online and sent me the link. The gift of remembering. Then there are times when getting a friend a long desired gift that she would usually not consider getting for herself is also very gratifying.

So this year, for my birthday, I'd like some of the following (all to be done throughout the year)...

1) Write me a long letter about what you like about yourself
2) Send me a postcard from wherever you're traveling and what made you delighted, joyful
3) An interesting photo you took and how come you wanted to send to me
4) Nice pop up/ shiny stickers/ or anything weird/ quirky when I say I'm having a bad day
5) Get Skype so we can have a real conversation
6) Anything that reminds you of our friendship

So many options to choose from, shouldn't be tough isn't it? Or is buying a present from a shop easier?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

okie! i get it. i know what to get you now. i had to read between the lines very carefully - to work out the cash value of the ang pao packet you are hinting at - RMB 423.14 in a red and gold packet from some Hong Kong bank. Correct or not?

3:41 PM  

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