Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Cleverly disguised

As she reached for the glasses on the top cabinet, she felt her presence hovering, assuming. Her hands were there, even before she knew it would be. Torrid, it would be described. The affair was intense, dangerous, on the brink of insanity. There was to be no boundaries in this game, no rules, only vulnerability. Each would tell their inner circle they were happy, but there were many types of bottled happiness that were sold. Theirs were sold in sticks, as they inhaled and exhaled in unison in bed, they saw smoke meld and interwine, then disappear. Smoke, faded; but their feelings could not be hidden, not between their warm flesh and cold sheets.

"I wish you were just beautiful and not smart. It would have made things much easier" one of them whispered. "I just want to be a good girlfriend." she lightly breathed in return. "To whom?" And to that, only silence reverberated. In that moment, it was louder than any noise that existed.

A good girlfriend to the married doctor; the sweet, slightly plump boyfriend; the shy and bumbling colleague that was silently waiting, to bring her a cup of coffee.


It wasn't as if too much of her that went into this demon; she still smiled at jokes, cried at movies, went squeemish at sink lizards, had her breath taken away by defiant, proud trees. All feelings. But loneliness was like cyanide slipped into a euthanasia patient's drink; slowly, tastelessly delivering sweet, painless death - it flirted with her shadow first, then unrelentlessly and leisurely seduced her soul into surrender.

The room was dark as his hands reached for hers; loneliness' grasp on her left reluctantly as it went on to seek and possess another empty vessel. He had repossessed her the way loneliness had for the past two years. Pinning her back onto the bed, every thrust, pushed a little of that clingy half-demon out of her. If loneliness was opulence to be desired by the world, he was all things simple and good to be recognised only by some.

After the shivers subsided from being pried open, she decided to write. Write about sadness, confusion and cleverly disguised lies.



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