Friday, December 09, 2005

McFood, McCalories and McDenial

I've been replacing 2 meals with one meal. Macdonalds fries and burger for breakfast and lunch. Works well so far, i haven't gotten hungry (or maybe too busy to think about eating). People even said I lost weight! So today on the menu is small fries + McFish, then found out it was slightly less than 600 calories! Woooohooooo! I have another 600 calories to go for dinner yah ;) But then I'm happily sipping toffee nut latte while preparing for a presentation (in just-enough-time-for-me-to-freak-out hours time) which I'm sure has a giganormously generous serving of syrup. Which then means I'm spoiling my so-called diet after all. Bah*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's not just calories you got to check miss - oso where the calories are coming from - mebbe 600 but 400 of those calories mebbe coming from fat - you might know that a fat gram has 9 calores while carbs and proteins have 4. Oso, there is almost no fibre in that meal so think of the after effects on your digestion system. And yah, you might feel full some days cos of a bunch of other reasons. But yah lor - enjoy while you can. and all the above is pre-Atkins diet technology. Mebbe everything has changed now.

But read Fast Food Nation sometime. Years of using recycled paper, and separating garbage and making careful consumer choices can be wiped out by the harmful environmental effects of supporting the efforts of McD.

12:21 PM  

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