Thursday, December 01, 2005

Morbid thoughts

When I die, please send the link of this blog to my parents. I must have written somewhere how much I love them. I know they know but I need to know they know. Though I dunno how I will know they know since I don't know if I'll be spiritually around.

Will to follow later. I don't have ASSets, but I have an ASS-load of shite that I have accumulated over thy years of incessant hoarding. Books (many many many, I kid you not), stickers (mainly neo-prints), cds, hamsters, 2 lomos, drawings and prints (not by me lah), ipod (suck up to me now to get it!) and soft toys. Unfortunately, no money. I have very little of that, it will have to go to charities and family (whatever is left anyway after I'm done traveling wuahahahah...).

P.s. not to worry, not planning to kick the bucket anytime soon. Just using the word 'when' because I've accepted it as just part of how everything works. We are born, live and die. And I guess really the key word here is live.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dun liddat lei! alamak! where you go getting such morbid thoughts meh? this cold will pass, you will breathe free again, and you will be back to wondering about simpler things about how on earth a big baby can come out liddat out of little women. stop your brooding! play with your hamster. or your hair. or practise aikido. "will" indeed! post your parents' email id on your blog and your blogfans will write to them right now to let them know how you feel! no point telling them after anyone is gone - the time to say clearly is now when all are alive. i think the problem with technology is that time flies so fast with so much help from tech, that people oso age all too quickly. so dun liddat lei!

that said, on a more practical note, i dun wan your ipod. i hope i never touch an ipod or a nike or another cup of starbucks coffee - tho last one kinda tough if no other coffee place is around - mebbe just give up coffee altogether? if you got some soul stirring instrumental music, or mind shattering book, leave CD/book for me. say which one(s) is(are) mine (mebbe scribble in pencil oredy on last page or CD cover) so we dun have to guess who gets what over the spoils. or mebbe just first come first served ah? pfah! "will" indeed!

philosophically and practically yours, your fren who will pray for a long life for you. and who will just leave a little thot for each of his/her frens in his/her will (and who will write that will mebbe after another sixty years or so, when it is a bit clearer that the medical solution to immortality still appears a few generations away)

8:40 PM  

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