Friday, November 25, 2005

Sleep anywhere, anytime

...that's part of my special skill repertoire, other than skipping school with a flair. But tonight it fails me.

Have taken a warm bath, lit up the aromatherapy and am nice smelling too. No signs of having a date with 周公 so 'early' in the night. Shouldn't have had that vodka cranberry just now, either alcohol makes me drowsy or it makes me W-I-D-E A-W-A-K-E.

What to do?

What to do?

Hang laundry. Work. Watch CSI. Oh...very pleased, have just gotten a heater for my bathroom as well. No more perky nipples shivering in the mornings when I bathe. Though I did hear that some locals do not bathe and wash their hair that often in winter. How can???!!! I cannot tahan, even though I can live in a mess but cannot tahan not bathing more than 2 days. So unglamourous and unfabulous. okok enough toilet talk... girl talks are so much more interesting but sooooo censored. Unlike toilet talk, seemingly censored but nothing that scandolous really. It's 3 a.m. maybe it's just time for me to stop.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dunno if you can see after posting from china or not, but there is some sort of line crossing out two words in this post - making it cannot read one. the words before are "more" and then "shivering." some guesses for the missing words - wet kitty? scared kitty? dirty kitty?

how is ah beng coping with the cold?

11:01 AM  

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