Monday, November 07, 2005

drama mama

Granted like all dysfunctional Mother-Daughter relationship you always (at least me) want to run away from yer mama, the more she tries to say no, the more you (I) do it. Recently, our relationship is at an all time high. One reason was the fact that I'm away from the roost and she can't really see what I do, another is that she's slowly come to terms that her little girl has grown up aka gotten a proper job and out of the house. And remember when we watch drama serials and sometimes the ah beng in the show will say "You can insult me but you cannot insult my mama!" Well...I had that moment today.

I told some people about an sms my mom sent my aunt. In that sms, my mom actually said that she's very happy just shopping all the time and that i'm paying for everything and that she's happy that i'm caring... I was literally saying what I saw on the sms. Then immediately one of them said...just by paying? *almost like money is the only things that makes my mom happy or chinese happy for that matter* but money is just a small part of a big picture in being filial and taking care of your parents YOU KNOW??!!! My mom is does not see me as an ATM machine though they joke about it all the time. But it's just so chinese to refer to money and make jokes about money. Besides I don't believe most parents see their children as return on investments anyway, who wants go through nine months of waiting and vomitting, cleaning up shit for first 5 years and next 20 years worry about other shit that your child might get into? No amount of ROI will make up for it. AND MY PARENTS were just telling me over dinner they want to support a distant cousin's son's university education in Guangzhou if he's able to get into a good university. So NO, having their daughter pay for their expenses in Shanghai does not make them go through the roof with happiness but it just shows them that their daughter is willing to part with a commodity (that is viewed as 'precious' by the whole wide world) for them. That gives them ultimately the comfort that in their old age, they can count on her to pay for someone to clean up their shit :P and thus, she can then be nice smelling, sit beside them and talk crap with them instead.

*heaves big breath* Rant over. Back to monstrous report that by hook or by crook has to be out by tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

aiyoyo - sounds like a nice happy experience sitting in the dentist's chair humming along and chatting and suddenly the good doc hits a raw nerve. i think what just happened was like a projective technique at work - you said something that was ambiguous and the colleague's stereotype buttons were all hit and s/he just spat out whatever raw spots s/he had been cooking over for a while - what happened perhaps tells you more about your colleague than about your mum. take a deep breath and say "ommmmmmmm" as you breathe out with your eyes closed - do this three times. Open your eyes after the third time - you will feel peace pervading you. And your colleague might be missing a digit too - check and report back.

Insightfully and peacefully yours,

a fren

7:12 PM  

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