Sunday, November 06, 2005

For my shark's fin eating friends...

Maybe this angle can make people guilty aware of shark 'industry' (don't have a better word). Losing a predator in an ecosystem can be extremely detrimental to the rest of the species, for example it causes an imbalance by the reproduction of other 'cute' fishes that may overfeed on beautiful corals which will make us *sigh* in dismay when we go diving. There are plenty other reasons against shark fishing like unsustainable fishing, low levels of reproduction and cruelty, that above reason is just one of them. People tell me who cares if sharks hurt? They're not as cute as dolphins, they don't think of feel right?

Though, this is a completely different story (Dogs Used As Shark Bait On French Island)...but it has some sort of relation (in my warped mind, it's the same thing because the desire to capture one animal brings harm to another) to the extent that people will go to live, albeit in a extremely cruel way. Amateur fishermen in this article may have felt this was their only livelihood, their only choice. Maybe we don't have to make this our choice. We can choose not to eat sharks fin and maybe save some cute cat or dog? (my persuasion angle hhahaha...)

I may not be convincing enough considering that I still eat many animals, I'm trying to cut down on the meat I eat. But with Bird Flu in China and chicken limited, beef will have to be a good substitute for now. Pork I try to cut down and fish + vege I try to eat more, to the extent i persuaded my friends to visit a vegetarian restaurant. It's just small little steps. Recently, have also bought a pair of leather boots, though it looks nice and shiny (bonus), for me, it was really to get through winter. It's not easy and I'm not asking everyone to live a monk's or austere lifestyle, but there are many 'luxuries' we are capable of having less of.

Been following this guy's
journal since mid this year. He's a full-time underwater photographer that documents alot of his work particularly related to ocean wildlife. This one in particular relates to the over-fishing of sharks in Manta, documenting local fishermen that do properly use whole parts of the sharks. Unfortunately, many around the world, especially industrial fishermen do NOT.

Next you are all going to say is, so how is not eating shark's fin going to help? Conglomerates are still going ahead despite public opinion. You're wrong in this case. Disney Hong Kong has backed down from serving shark's fin in its menu from public pressure. There are also other links there which you can read more about regarding shark's fin and the senselessness of it all.

Of course, with all these links, it really means that you do have to click on them to learn more. But it's so much easier to continue eating sharks fin isn't it?

Now back to your regular nice Holly Golightly - Best of Wildlife Photos 2005


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