Thursday, September 29, 2005

I am...

From a meme that's been spreading around the internet. Have no idea how to do a Trackback but this will be cathartic to do.


I am the girl that always believed that childbirth was easy for her mom because the story was repeated that she popped out like it was a normal poo job.

I am the girl that never had a single birthday party growing up.

I am the girl that wore and had hand me down books and was told they couldn't afford toys.

I am the girl who hid under the table on Chinese New Year's eve crying while listening to her sister and parents fighting.

I am the girl who lost her sister at ten and never heard from her for six years. I am the girl that missed her sister's wedding and always live to regret it.

I am the girl whose almost-whole family that she loves was adopted by her beloved grandmother - sister and two aunts. And knows that family is more than just having the same bloodlines flow below the flesh.

I am the girl who was ashamed of her cheena interests because it was uncool.

I am the girl who was the late bloomer and was the nerd, wallflower in school, never an interest for the guys. And many years later, this awkward adolescent still betrays her by showing up in her insecurities.

I am the girl that smuggled boyfriends back to the house when her parents went on holiday.

I am the girl that made you cry. And you, and you. But never cried when we argued.

I am the girl that you made more confident by believing in her. Yet also made insecure by hearing words of love, yet never seeing it fulfilled.

I am the girl that grew long hair for him even though she hated it and felt it was never her.

I am the girl that fell in love with him for two and half years and for another half a year tried to get her soul back. She had forgotten who she was. Who wept uncontrollably two weeks after that half a year because you told her you never knew how hurt you made her.

I am that girl cannot say you both are friends because you are not hers. Not even willing to offer a place to stay when you were her last backup in a foreign land. Birthday, Christmas cards are but empty offerings in a dilapidated temple that badly needs funds to upkeep.

I am the girl that is grateful to have found two soulmates. One was perfect but married. One taught her choices but had to leave. But both fueled her strength to live out her dreams.

I am the girl that realised she had to change to fit into the corporate world. And will forever be in a dillema between staying true and adapting to 'the world'.

I am the girl wants to run away and wants to take care of her family.

I am the girl that once said she could live without her parents but not her grandmother who brought her up. Who was silently thanking the higher power for giving her the 'gift' to skip school so that she could hold her grandmother's hand while she passed on. Who thinks all old people are cute because of her grandmother. Who continues weeping in public and in her heart whenever she thinks of her grandmother.

I am that girl who needs to live her life away from her parents.

I am that girl that recently on a business trip had a empiphany, not the thunder and lightning one, but those sneaking on you enlightening ones - her parents love her unconditionally. And she to them.

I am that girl who has great friends who love her unconditionally - pregnancy scares, half a year of not talking to you, swearing vulgarities and never imposing your opinions on her.

I am that girl who discovered a 'friend' in a lost friendship. Three of us always hung out together, but to allow our friendship to blossom, for that I'll always be true.

I am that girl that buys travel magazines with places that she wants to go, to forget herself temporarily, to prepare for the day she will make that trip.

I am that girl who is learning how to dance with abandon, talk up strangers, speak another language, see with her heart.

I am that girl who has no complaints about her life now.

I am the girl that is content. There's always another life to lead, a quirky bag/ shoe to have, a cute-sporty-respectful-passionate-smart boyfriend to find. But for now, she has enough.

Who are you?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wah liao! You are indeed that gal! Jia you!

All except this:
"I am the girl that realised she had to change to fit into the world. And will forever be in a dilemma between staying true and adapting to 'the world.'"

You lost a couple of points for this mis-statement. No, you will not change to fit the world - the world can be "big," that way too - the world will accept you as you are, you just keep figuring out who you really are and the world is big (e.g. the country you are in alone has over a billion people, and the ocean has billions of drops of water, and the soul has infinite depth) enough to accept the changing truth about who you are.

And the world loves you too!

3:57 PM  

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