Check out my new hair!!!
Having long hair for a day was fun. We bought it at a spur of the moment 'cos my boss wanted curlier longer hair and I wanted coloured hair. In the end, the long hair looked best on me. Oh well...will look ala Natalie Portman in Closer some other time. Autumn will be a great time to don the wig, no perpiration and the wind will weave through my straight, shiny hair wuahahaha...

New Hair

Except having in long hair is not so glamourous in a squatting toilet (trust me, I tried). All the hair starts falling in front of you and it's such a mess!
Hair always had a way of changing how I felt. Having my grandmother tying my two pony tails every morning, twirling around in my little pink tutu with plaits were probably my only recollection of having long hair that can be messed around with. When I reached secondary school, I wanted to look like Sailor Mercury (remember Sailormoon craze?) - with her short, spunky blue hair she looked so pretty, yet gave the feeling she was quietly unique (she was the smartie in the group). In those years, being plump, puberty pimples and having buck teeth isn't usually belle du jour material; so Sailor Mercury I wanted to be. Off I went to the neighberhood auntie hairdresser, showed her a picture and she started laughing at me. I joined her too, knowing how silly I must have sounded. But the desire to be unique and feel better about myself was stronger than all that. I remember lightness in my spirit, as if by having short hair I would be set free. Then, with that first cut, I became haircut-high. A few years later, when rules in school became less rigid, I turned to something stronger. Hair dyes. Oh, they were da bomb. My favourites were the red based dyes, over a few months red would turn into auburn and then blonde; with each time the colour changes, a different me would emerge from the cocoon. Then boyfriends came. Almost all were enamoured with long-haired girls. So I traded in the dyes and short dos for the coy and genteel look; though I'm sure it didn't fool anyone. Least of all me. Not that I didn't enjoy feeling like a please-protect-me-wide-eyed bunny, but it just wasn't me.

coy & genteel

By the time I started work, I preferred the androgynous, float like a butterfly but sting like a bee look. Unpredictable dye jobs on short hair made me a cross between the patterned-crossbreed cats under my void deck or an atypical chao ah lian in a typically 'boring' market research job or just me. At the time where business wear was supposed to be my fashion, I go punk rock. So rebellious hor ;P Guess I was also at the stage where I was tired of 'safe' haircuts and not 'knowing' how my hair would turn out just put me on the edge.


Hmmm...with autumn arriving, maybe it's time for another metamorphism.
hahaha... for the moment, i thought: have I not seen you for ages???? haha... you look "un-singaporean" haha... have fun with experiments..cheers =P
oh man! What's with the hair and those photos. super act cute lor! so you (those at cute poses), yet so not you (the hair) i prefer your funky and hip hairdo. If you want to see how ur look with the long straight hair, you know how u know already..
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