Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Oooooohlando Blooooom, be still my beating heart!

This is what I've been doing the last few hours of my working day.

Now he goes on my list of obsessions - Brad Pitt, Hugh Jackman, Johnny Depp.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so proud I know you! Was so fun to catch up on the life and times of Mr Bloom. Can't wait for the next update on the next chocolate faced boy who takes your fancy.

1:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okie! so you got me, Ms Yan. that was indeed me, the "quick to judge" rama. and i commend you on your openness and honesty in your admiration for the remarkable Mr Bloom - I will send you URLs of people I drool over by email :) (hint: Mr Bloom looks nothing like them) And i will be a lot more careful in my disguise of my writing the next time. Cos you are one smart cookie!

4:41 PM  

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