Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Iguanas & snakes shedding skin

Was caught by a old schoolmate to 'reminiscence' the old times on msn.
As usual it was a one-sided conversation, with her doing most of the talking. Despite my best efforts to engage her, after she was done unloading, she promptly discarded me like a used condom, not good to be used till the next time.

Ironically, she felt a mutual schoolmate of ours would never change. She had recently found out that schoolmate packed her bags and head to phuket to teach and just to bum/ live out her life/ discover herself without any 'safety net' that we Silliporeans love. My reply was, people do change, or want to change. Just have to take action thatsall.

Well you know what darlin', you didn't change either.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Youth Citizen Journalism and the $100 Laptop
Adam Glenn Went to a fascinating talk the other night that put me in mind of how powerful a tool citizen journalism might be if it could be put in the hands the millions of young people around the globe.
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4:32 PM  

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