Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Good advice for the grasshopper who's not going to play all Summer

"Maybe you might not want to look fabulous or glamourous this Winter. Better keep warm first."

Hmm...*touches tender-from-friction-of-tissue-paper skin on nose*. Yeee-aaa-p. Help.

Shopping kaki already booked this Saturday.


Been stocking up on socks and cashmere *gasp* tops (only 3 lah, and one is not even full cashmere). Thankfully, cashmere was on discount and I bought at cheena department stores. Definitely not going to be glamourous or fabulous for that matter. Just hoping to get through winter in Shanghai, Beijing and Nanjing. Help.


Cannot be environmentalist if the coroner's verdict is death by freezing from lack of heater. So heater has been switched on for the past few nights since temperatures hovered around 8-15degrees. Apparently apartments in Shanghai are not insulated so temperatures in apartments are colder than actual temperature outside. I fear when temperatures plummet or when I'm in Beijing. Help.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oso dun forget humidifier. no need to get one for the bathroom. let the environment be where it is for a bit. take care of yourself first. got to stay healthy (and glam) before you can take care of the environment.

steven wright has this joke about how he switches on a humidifier and a dehumidifier on in the same room and watches them fight it out. the joke is a lot better with his deadpan delivery.

12:30 AM  

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