Thursday, December 15, 2005

My pink wig is miffed

Got angry today, actually just a little miffed at actions of some people judging people they hardly know. It wasn't as serious as judging, guess it was just childish, secondary school, I think she likes him-they were holding hands so quickly-maybe he likes her-she's probably going to sleep with him speculation kind of judging with all those eyes crossing and re-crossing. Pissed the hell out of me because the person they were referring to is a friend as well. So what if she's going to sleep with him? It's none of your business. Really. After that I did tell one of them, but the other I just couldn't. Sometimes it's little things that irk me. And telling boy that he has a 'last chance' with woman when it's quite clear boy just likes her company? (Crossing and re-crossing eyes, how cutesey and juvenile can it get?!!). Just an accumulation of converstions that revolve around pairing up people in our (already small group) of friends just gets on my nerves. Bloody silliporeans.

But...I'm still damn chirpy, not just of 2 gin tonics..the secret lies in the pink wig.


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