Sunday, February 05, 2006

"I share the distress of the Muslim friends who feel that the cartoon offends their religion. I also respect the right of freedom of speech. But of course freedom of speech is never absolute. It entails responsibility and judgment." - Kofi Annan

Have to ask Dian how she feels about it and read about European Enlightenment to fully understand this deep defense over freedom of speech. This comes in light of many months of reading about a new term coined 'Islamophobia' and Britain's unsuccessful move to legislate Racial and Religious Hatred Bill.

Eyes are tearing from reading so many articles on the uproar caused by these caricatures (managed to get hold of the images on Google no less). Here are two articles whichI found were more balanced.

Will also have to write more about my recent interactions with my Indonesian colleagues who spoke so candidly about their view on Islam.

On a totally irrelevant note, I wish someone would pay me to read. Will miss all this free time to catch up on news, update my blog, watch tv and curl up to take naps at my whim.


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