Friday, March 31, 2006

Searching for blue sand

We had just spent two hours in the late afternoon climbing uphill for an overview of Redang. What was in our minds to believe our guides/ new found friends to climb barefooted amidst bugs, twigs, sharp rocks at a 45 degree angle eludes me. Still hurting and still barefooted we climbed over rocks over to another pitch dark beach. They said there was blue sand. They also said climbing the hill was not going to be tough.

Squatting over the sand we starting sifting through it, like gold miners looking for precious flecks. One of them whispered, it's like soap suds, the more you rub, the more it disappears (how that metaphor works I don't know, but it made sense then). They said it comes from the middle of the sea; and on a fully moonlit night the whole beach would be sparkling blue. Then we saw it. A lone sparkle. It was really blue sand. But as we reached forward to hold it in our hands, we lost that elusive sparkle.

Need to go search for places that give me that same sparkle again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

blue sand is fine, just stay away from the yellow snow

11:35 AM  

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