Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Growing up, same difference: Unabridged version

kitty says:
i always think of u, u know. even though we never talk
kitty says:
i always wonder how you are and am always so glad you're so brave and happy to do what u want
Dian says:
but we've been talking less and less as the yrs pass...
Dian says:
i wish i was brave...but i'm not
Dian says:
you're the high flyer...sometimes i wish i was one too...just like you
Dian says:
that is until the dust settles and i realise that's just not me
Dian says:
i've never been a high flyer...never will...and i don't regret it
Dian says:
but how are you in China now?
kitty says:
what about us talking less?
Dian says:
what do you mean?
kitty says:
how do u feel about it?
Dian says:
it's something that I wish wasn't so but sometimes things like that just happen
Dian says:
the impt thing is that we don't lose the friendship and totally lose each other
Dian says:
even if we manage to touch the other in some way once in a while, at least that's something, don't you think?..cos with things the way they are now...it's difficult to maintain the same relationship we had...
Dian says:
our lives have veered so far from each other, sometimes it's difficult
kitty says:
u really think so?
kitty says:
sometimes i think superficially it did...me in shanghai and u in thailand
kitty says:
but i feel when we do touch base. we're still the same people. and all those years hanging out paid off ahahahah
Dian says:
yah i totally agree...and i'm so glad that essentially we're the same ppl still
Dian says:
haven't totally changed you know
Dian says:
the ridiculouslessness hasn't stopped!
Dian says:
Dian says:
so are there lots of expats where you work?
Dian says:
singaporeans too?
kitty says:
my ex-boss was singaporean...and a couple more here and there
kitty says:
my core group of friends here are singaporeans
kitty says:
but also trying to meet more people. though not the easiest thing since i travel
kitty says:
and i maintain , this is not a high flying lifestyle ahahahah...it's just flying and tiring one
kitty says:
but jobs change, people get retrenched. life still has to go on. without knowing what your dreams are or having other passions...how to live?
Dian says:
it's true what you say...
Dian says:
but right now for me, i know what i want to do, i'm just not sure if it's the right thing to do?
Dian says:
how will I ever know if it's the right thing right?..hai...
kitty says:
let me tell u...you're wonderful and you have a personality bigger than anything
kitty says:
u will know it's right because u have also gone through the 'other route' that other silliporeans would never consider
kitty says:
so if anyone knows what's right, it's u
kitty says:
so what issit u want to do?
Dian says:
well, you may find it funny...but i don't want a career...
Dian says:
of cos i want a job i like but not a career..
Dian says:
and i want to marry him and leave Sg...but i'm not sure if that is the right or the best thing
Dian says:
you know me, i'm always 2nd guessing myself...
kitty says:
nothing wrong in not wanting a career
Dian says:
yea..but of cos i don't want to get married now..
Dian says:
tho i do know who i want to marry
Dian says:
hai...and my mum is nagging as always...always bitching away
Dian says:
but you know, i keep making things so difficult for him
Dian says:
i'm glad that i came to phuket to work though...
Dian says:
grew up a lot here...i had to
Dian says:
and i changed quite a bit...not so timid and shy anymore
Dian says:
luckily i'm still the same at the core...hee hee...clumsy, silly, always late...hee hee
Dian says:
are you still always late?
Dian says:
kitty says:
life is too short to follow the singapore plan
kitty says:
ahahhaah...yes am still late
kitty says:
except for work meetings now
kitty says:
and when my boss is in town
kitty says:
am also silly still.....laughing at bad jokes, trying to do spontaneously with anyone who would entertain me and humming tomyself
kitty says:
am also less timid and shy as well...so that's the part i'm really glad to grow out of...so ageing isn't so bad too
Dian says:
yea i know...me too...


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