Sunday, March 19, 2006

Spring haiku

Dancing sparrows blithe,
the allegro of notes - joy.
Flux stopped, time erased.

Haven't been inspired to write haiku for the longest time. It has been two years.
Glad to be back.


We went to Shanghai Art Museum today. There was a China born artist with her whimsical oil paints of birds, fruits which were also metaphors for women. How they were metaphors, I dunno. Her whimsical paintings were meant to draw one's mind to the present; as a contrast to the constant motion of society - how we were constantly thinking of whether to move forward or backward.

Funny coincidence, because today I was really late for brunch (what's new). Some sparrows skipping on the pavement and trees leading towards the restaurant caught my eye. Singing their secret happy songs. Melodies of the late morning rewound my steps, staring and trying to count how many sparrows there were in that chior. Two, three, five, seven... maybe more.

I wish the sparrows would teach me those songs.


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