Monday, March 20, 2006

We haven't spoken since a year ago. Since clearing things up it hasn't been the same since we don't hang out as much.

I miss our usual midnight walks and chats that typically last from 10pm to 6am the next day and trudging home (usually me and you had to side me away from relatively fast moving objects); with the humid sheen of the morning dew on our skin. As well as stuffing our faces full of cheap, tasty vermicelli at queenstown market or over koptiam teh-C.

Tonight, we went back to the way we were before I left.

lone ranger: i've always been having trouble finding ppl who can understand me...or who even try

kitty: lustful for wandering: you have me

lone ranger: yeah

lone ranger: but ur a bit far now

kitty: lustful for wandering: we can still talk and i can still listen mah

lone ranger: yeah

lone ranger: i'm grateful for that at least


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