Monday, March 27, 2006

Is there hamster heaven?

Ah Beng has gone to hamster heaven, may his little soul rest in peace. Before concluding there was a hamster heaven, Shanghai friend 3 posed the question if there was actually one. There must be one right? Right? Riiiigggght??? Then again, he had a point, hamsters breed like mad how would hamster heaven be able to handle all the shit and carpet of hamsters running over each other? IT IS AFTER ALL HAMSTER HEAVEN, I countered, they must have some miraculous way of clearing all that shit and feeding them and stopping them from breeding more. With other Shanghai friends coming up with alternative hypothesis that I have to burn a paper house, some hamster hell money (so Ah Beng can buy food himself) and a designated poop clearer. Such troopers these people are, to find amusement in such devastating situations *grin*

We had a small, close goodbye ceremony for Ah Beng beneath a plot of spring flowers at Century Park. With one singing (at my request) amazing grace and others observing a one minute silence while picking other flowers at the side to throw generously on his grave. Most of them did not know Ah Beng well - his grumpy, biting ways; sweet disposition whilst in dreaming hours - despite all that, they all patronized me. It's one of those moments likened to seeing yourself fall clumsily as a third person; finding the funnies overcomes the physical hurt.


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