Saturday, December 30, 2006

Sweet girl

Remember those essays that you write when you're 5 years old about your siblings? This is about as close as I get to having a younger sister heh.


My meimei is a sweet girl.

She is easygoing and earnest in most things she sets out to do. (Except I am sure she would like me to describe her as quirky)

When I'm sick or busy, she cooks.

She calls me just to tell me that my boyfriend is online so that I can 'talk' to him, because she knows I miss him so.

(Although she still requests for five packets of alcohol.)

My meimei is a sweet girl.


Friday, December 29, 2006

Losing friends to assumptions and principles

Losing a friend is harder than it is to lose a lover.

Granted I didn't choose the right time to tell you how I felt and have made a few insensitive remarks. But are you above all this too? How many times have I opened my home to you only to have you put me down and criticise it to others? When we were both emotional wrecks, never once did you ask how I felt. But this doesn't matter anymore, as we were both unaware how these remarks hurt the other. We are not mind readers and neither do we know each other for years to fathom a guess of how the other person feels. And as you and I know, masks are aplenty in our closetful of tricks we take out in our work and we inevitably bring them with us always.

And yes, I will stick to my 'principles' because that's who I am and defines me. Just like you choosing to put down your principles for the feelings of others. If I do give in, I believe a part of me will fall apart. Who am I then, who sways so easily to someone else's beat or whim?

Change happens if 1) i'm madly in love with a hot, intelligent guy who is rich and gonna marry me (even then i consider twice) 2) someone i've known for over 10 years 3) or under black magic.

I believe even more so for friends than lovers we don't choose and still feel for them the way we do. If I say I don't know why I love him, it's a freak phenomenon...the same applies for friends too. No matter how much they piss you off, you won't kick them in their faces or shit in their drink unless they sleep with your bf/ husband and kill your pet hamster. Even after all that, there's always your own money to go for plastic surgery to get back at the bastard and buy a new hamster :P


Thursday, December 28, 2006

Addiction - Part 3

Addiction to both (me and sleeping together), and then I can become an addict of providing you the addiction. ~ DL

A week after my parents left, we stayed together for two weeks before he was slated to leave for home for a long holiday. Strangely after a week, I woke up everyday with quiet undercurrents of fear and it bugged me for not being able to figure it out. Into week two, I had a spark of clarity. A conversation with meimei confirmed my deepest apprehension - I had fallen in love with him. It can't be. It had crept up on my carefully controlled and rational mind which had been sworn to remain loyal to me and not to my heart. It wasn't anything like the headspinningly intense or niggling nagging reservations experience earlier this year. It was different.

And it's different this time because I'm not lonely. Different because I'm not addicted just to sleeping together or the object.

I don't need to be worried if I'm blabbering on about letting friend/ prof down by not being there enough. I don't need to be worried of being perceived like a lovelorn wreck (although I am) by calling you in Colombia and be seen like the conquest is over, you've gotten me.

Oh, you have.


You know it's winter when...

They say if you get Seasonal Affective Disorder you are depressed, sleepy and lose appetite.

1 out of 3 symptoms. I'm still perky from buying my cat ear hoodie shirt and munching on Macau ba kwa & almond cookies. There's no way I have SAD. But boy, am I sleepy.
Alarm. Snooze for 9 min. Alarm. Snooze for 9 min. Alarm. Snooze to infinity.

Working from home and the whole time during the day I can barely concentrate! Or is it due to working on my magical couch (noone is immune to its powers to induce sleep)? hmmmm....


It's gonna be a series of fucking cold days ahead hovering around 0 -5 degrees. I only have cold, very cold, fucking cold and fuckity fuck cold. All measured by the degree of how much my parts of my body shrivel. Nipples are cold to very cold. Add frozen fingers are very cold to fucking cold and then followed by aching ears and sniveling & numb nose.

Where am I going by this? Not much except to complain how cold it is. Shanghai must have extremely cold apartments; even very posh ones, because it seems all the women have congregated into Alexander 'atas' gym to celebrate inner-heating by walking around the gym toilet in their birthday suit! Yesterday going for a trial Jurlique moisturizing spa treatment with A has treated me (cannot resist pun!) fulfilling my quota of spotting other women's pubes & boobs. Boobs I don't mind so much, granted mine are smaller but at least they don't look like they're hanging onto the sides. Some just look like Moses parted their cleavage abit too much to the sides. Didn't spot any boobies I really admired even though they were all hanging around me (ARGH, again!). But the pubes....they are just toooo much for me. Fuzzy, springy, bushy, eeeewwww. Go on and call me prudish, but I'm a quick drop towel and pull up panties kind of girl. They just sit around in full glory and sight to blow dry their hair, pat body moisturizer, prep their skin and whatever for ages! Buay tahan.


Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I swear this is a coincidence!

Perfect for a plant murderer/ city living person who dreams of owning a garden like me!

Am sooo taken in by the "Hydrosphere" and "Vege", more so by the former cos it's so adorable! Like a science experiment!!!


Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Lost your car?

Dad: (upon seeing DL's pic) What's his name?

Me: Carlos

Dad: Did he los(e) his car? (*Bursts into laughter at his own joke)

Me: ..........faint


After tons of questions and a picture of us, my parents seem more comforted. At least they managed to coin a nickname for DL - he will most likely be referred to as Ah Pui (fatty!) from now on. hahaahhahaah... Even observed he has a fairly round-tipped nose; which translates to good fortune & fairly wealthy life - good omen to me *schnigger*


Days are rolling by to Christmas. And while I'm hoping it goes slower so that I have more time to finish my work on hand, but even more so I want it to speed by. If only it were that after tonight's sleep, you're back.

Missing you like crazy...Come home soon.

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Another 'adult' milestone

Given my lack of motivation and unrepentant lateness earlier in the year, even with all the hard work done after; I didn't think that I would get promoted. After all, whatever possible things that could go wrong, has gone wrong. It's such a relief now to be comfortable in chaos.

Although it is more money (it better be! and I hopehopehopehope), there is a large component of managing people. Too hard - you're aggressive & bitchy, too soft - that's being such a pushover & being so typically female. I will have to be more adept at teetering on tiptoes through the tender blossoms of sensitive feelings and difficult prickly people.

You know, somehow I don't feel the burst of exhiliration or penetration of pride. Unapologetic for not feeling that way and glad I am for it. Instead, all my thoughts are whimsical - centred around making list of cities to travel in Asia to travel with DL, to learn jazz ballet or salsa, how to make my room more cosy, what soup to prepare tonight lalala... Work keeps me alive, travel & love makes me feel alive.

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Sunday, December 17, 2006

Murder at 68

Another one bites the dust. I have managed to murder a cactus in the impossiblest of manners - dehydration. Plants are not safe around me.

Cactuses of the world, defy and die! Posted by Picasa

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Monday, December 04, 2006

Story of the Crate, Little Blue box & Cellphones

Goes to show that some objects are designed to inspire simplicity. They are as they seem to be.

So why has The Crate become the most controversial object in design?

The story began when Established & Sons commissioned a piece from Morrison, one
of Britain's most influential product designers. Setting out to design a bedside
table, he played with various ideas only to conclude that he could not improve
upon the old wooden wine crate in which he stored books beside his bed. "Nothing
else seemed to do the job as well," said Morrison, who decided to produce a
replica of that crate.

The Crate is almost identical to the original. It
is made from higher quality wood - Douglas fir, rather than splintery pine - and
the joints are stronger. Otherwise it is the same, except for its price tag of
£90, or $170.

Just like the way diamonds don't carry the same meaning if it isn't delicately, reverently unveiled by that little blue box of Tiffany's.


Some Brands/ Manufacturers can be so silly in their neverending churn of new gadgets, pulling out any new, shiny toy that they think may appeal. M wannabe badboy 1 (who has been getting constant requests for slimmer, sleeker cellphones for the Asian market), commented that almost everyone in China hangs ling-longs (cellphone accessories) to personalize & adorn their precious. Is slimmer, sleeker, more gadgety or fashionable cellphone an oxymoron? Maybe Nokia's range of fashion phones comes close. It's a phone which teeters with a nice balance of what is termed 'basic'/ 'expected' features with emphasis on intricate designs and lush materials that arouses one's fingers to caress - adds on more comfort to security blanket phones.

For me, working with companies that spend time to understand consumer needs and use their own research and creativity to come up with products that are real solutions is a fantastic experience. It is pure laziness to rely literally on consumer speak or ingredients/ created technology for differentiation; without explicity and specifically relevant to consumers. Just saying a product will give you moisturization for dry skin is not sufficient. Any product can say that! And no, having fancy packaging will only last you that long. Local China brands are producing Me too's faster than we can sms. Therefore your product needs to have benefits specific and relevant to the way the consumer uses it. Companies generalise Chinese consumers thinking they are all seeking more with its capitalistic tendencies. On the contrary, I find that in some categories where the product is an individual experience or when consumers are not sophisticated, they tend to have a 'favourite' product/ flavour.

Do we always want more?
