Thursday, December 28, 2006

Addiction - Part 3

Addiction to both (me and sleeping together), and then I can become an addict of providing you the addiction. ~ DL

A week after my parents left, we stayed together for two weeks before he was slated to leave for home for a long holiday. Strangely after a week, I woke up everyday with quiet undercurrents of fear and it bugged me for not being able to figure it out. Into week two, I had a spark of clarity. A conversation with meimei confirmed my deepest apprehension - I had fallen in love with him. It can't be. It had crept up on my carefully controlled and rational mind which had been sworn to remain loyal to me and not to my heart. It wasn't anything like the headspinningly intense or niggling nagging reservations experience earlier this year. It was different.

And it's different this time because I'm not lonely. Different because I'm not addicted just to sleeping together or the object.

I don't need to be worried if I'm blabbering on about letting friend/ prof down by not being there enough. I don't need to be worried of being perceived like a lovelorn wreck (although I am) by calling you in Colombia and be seen like the conquest is over, you've gotten me.

Oh, you have.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

you never know when it comes to Love... can't be calculated.

- Mental Dribble.

2:37 AM  

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