Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Another 'adult' milestone

Given my lack of motivation and unrepentant lateness earlier in the year, even with all the hard work done after; I didn't think that I would get promoted. After all, whatever possible things that could go wrong, has gone wrong. It's such a relief now to be comfortable in chaos.

Although it is more money (it better be! and I hopehopehopehope), there is a large component of managing people. Too hard - you're aggressive & bitchy, too soft - that's being such a pushover & being so typically female. I will have to be more adept at teetering on tiptoes through the tender blossoms of sensitive feelings and difficult prickly people.

You know, somehow I don't feel the burst of exhiliration or penetration of pride. Unapologetic for not feeling that way and glad I am for it. Instead, all my thoughts are whimsical - centred around making list of cities to travel in Asia to travel with DL, to learn jazz ballet or salsa, how to make my room more cosy, what soup to prepare tonight lalala... Work keeps me alive, travel & love makes me feel alive.

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