Thursday, December 28, 2006

You know it's winter when...

They say if you get Seasonal Affective Disorder you are depressed, sleepy and lose appetite.

1 out of 3 symptoms. I'm still perky from buying my cat ear hoodie shirt and munching on Macau ba kwa & almond cookies. There's no way I have SAD. But boy, am I sleepy.
Alarm. Snooze for 9 min. Alarm. Snooze for 9 min. Alarm. Snooze to infinity.

Working from home and the whole time during the day I can barely concentrate! Or is it due to working on my magical couch (noone is immune to its powers to induce sleep)? hmmmm....


It's gonna be a series of fucking cold days ahead hovering around 0 -5 degrees. I only have cold, very cold, fucking cold and fuckity fuck cold. All measured by the degree of how much my parts of my body shrivel. Nipples are cold to very cold. Add frozen fingers are very cold to fucking cold and then followed by aching ears and sniveling & numb nose.

Where am I going by this? Not much except to complain how cold it is. Shanghai must have extremely cold apartments; even very posh ones, because it seems all the women have congregated into Alexander 'atas' gym to celebrate inner-heating by walking around the gym toilet in their birthday suit! Yesterday going for a trial Jurlique moisturizing spa treatment with A has treated me (cannot resist pun!) fulfilling my quota of spotting other women's pubes & boobs. Boobs I don't mind so much, granted mine are smaller but at least they don't look like they're hanging onto the sides. Some just look like Moses parted their cleavage abit too much to the sides. Didn't spot any boobies I really admired even though they were all hanging around me (ARGH, again!). But the pubes....they are just toooo much for me. Fuzzy, springy, bushy, eeeewwww. Go on and call me prudish, but I'm a quick drop towel and pull up panties kind of girl. They just sit around in full glory and sight to blow dry their hair, pat body moisturizer, prep their skin and whatever for ages! Buay tahan.



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