Wednesday, April 27, 2005

No more living out of a suitcase

Will be moving in this coming weekend (1 May). Really looking forward to not living in a hotel room. There's so many limitations in the hotel room - can't buy new clothes (I don't want to carry more things than needed), can't spread my things out as messy as possible, can't ride my stationery bike etc. Pffftttt to hotel rooms. Well....maybe except for the Star Movies. heh...

Living room after entering apartment Posted by Hello

Tiny bathroom Posted by Hello

There's a little microwave and an oven (if I remember correctly). Time to meet chef Yan and practice for my tv show!

??????? Posted by Hello

For all of you who are more than welcome to come visit's where you will be potentially sleeping in. 2 - 3 girls (or 2 guys) in the same bed. Hmmm...that sounds abit wrong haahahahah...but oh well...

Second bedroom cum living room Posted by Hello

Look at my mini walk in closet! I like this best!

My room Posted by Hello

It's small but cosy. My own little pad *contentedly skipping around soon-to-be deserted hotel room*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

your apartment looks good!

12:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very nice wardrobe!
Pl get in touch with me on icq 6650997? (Can't remember your email addy)-Clara

10:42 PM  
Blogger Anal Analyst said...

Babe! Angie and I thinking of coming over early June! Can we crash at your place? Heheh..

3:25 AM  

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