Friday, April 15, 2005


Scratches Posted by Hello

Been having premonitions that I should be extra careful before I leave. Crossing roads with less jaywalking gusto and sleep full of dreams for the past week. And so, the inevitable must come. I got scratched by a cat. Not that I didn't deserve it. Cornered him under friends' bed and imitated him by sniffing. Not smart at all. Just hoping there will be no infection.

Looks worse than it is Posted by Hello

Fed up that Marc's camera can take such clear pics of my pores Posted by Hello


Blogger yy said...

OMG! Be more careful lah you... of all things you choose to ka jiao a kitty??

Hope it heals and u become mei mei again soon! =)

1:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

btw, road-crossing or jaywalking in China is a habit and technique. I bet you'll have problem crossing the roads in the "normal" way again once you are back in SG. haha.

about gentle or softspoken. the psycho test I've done for one of the interviews showed that I'm a persuasive authoritarian, aka effective control freak? how gd can that be man.

10:08 AM  
Blogger Anal Analyst said...

Eh lucky never swipe at your eyeball.. Can be damn painful I imagine. Be careful lah!

9:57 AM  

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