Sunday, April 03, 2005

Status with Ah Beng after 2 beers

I actually messaged Ah Beng today. It went something like this:

"I know I don't know you very well and we haven't met each other very often. But somehow when I see you, I always get a positive feeling. Silly right?"

No reply as yet. But i guess after 2 beers, this is as brave as I can get.

[Update] Next morning woke up feeling extremely regretful for the incorrigible impulsiveness. I can imagine how stalkerish the sms might have sounded. To redeem myself, got my friend to help me write a actually-all-I-meant-was-I-want-to-know-u-better-so-don't-freak-out-on-me sms.

His reply: No la...not freaked out...Jus dunno hw to better dun react...Hehee...Thx anyway

*Gawd. So embarrassing*


Blogger Anal Analyst said...

Hey! If Ah Beng is who I think he is, then it's normal for him not to reply sms-es. Try calling if you wanna reach him. I suspect he doesn't know how to work the sms thing.. =)

12:58 AM  
Blogger Chinogypsie said...

Hello!It's Ah Beng not himbo ok heh...Of course all accounts here are highly exaggerated. I'm not so faithful to my infatuations

1:13 AM  

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