Thursday, March 24, 2005

Observations for today

1. I am late for almost everything except aikido. Somehow I still manage to feel wide-eyed even after only 4 hours of sleep.

2. Seasonal Affective Disorder develops in individuals whose moods are affected especially during winter. They get depressed, crestfallen due to the long nights & short daylight. What's the acronym coincidentally? SAD.

3. Even after saying very loudly on the train " crowded there are no seats for pregnant ladies!" Singaporeans still won't budge from their lazy asses. Only stare at me blankly. Stare what stare, I dig your ba jiu out then you know.

4. Apparently bags have privileges I've never known! Especially at eating places where seats are free for all, they have seats reserved just for them. How lovely.

5. Rats in my estate are fat because they're smart enough to cham siong around with pigeons for food during the day.


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