Saturday, March 26, 2005

X-Ray eyes

Apparently Dr. Balaji has x-ray vision. He was present at Life! Theatre Awards and when he was giving awards he could tell immediately who had AIDS and who didn't. AMAZING! He probably also has a sideline as a fortune teller - he knew just looking at (who he thought were gay) guests that four to five chaps who were probably HIV positive will die in four to five years. Such accuracy. I must get an appointment with him to get his divine prediction on the TOTO & 4D soon. Trillionaire soon I will be. His mates squatting at their stalls along Ladies' Street must be getting real solid publicity from his predictions.

So lovely of him for empathising and feeling 'sad' for them, while still laughing along at their jokes at the awards ceremony. Doesn't he realise they were laughing at him? *sigh* he's really not helping matters, people don't need to be stigmatized more than they already are. I don't know how he plans to tackle the problem of AIDS if his view is that we do not even need to talk about sex. So is openly targeting gays a better approach? Fear factor + insufficient, inaccurate information just leads to more stereotypes & pushing people away from the truth.


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