Saturday, March 26, 2005

'Celebrity' Spotting

Went out with a bunch of good friends to catch up at First Thai restaurant found nicely tucked away on Purvis street. Very authentic Thai food with retro + eclectic look. There, we spotted had out first celebrity spotting.

Keanu sharing space with Thai King + delicacies Posted by Hello

Very enterprising these people, clever marketing. Know that once got celebrity endorse sure alot of people eat. Needless to say, we polished off everything. But seriously, durian + glutinous rice was a heavenly dessert.

Later on our way home, exhausted after 'save the cat' escapade we had another shocking find!!! Very amusing...

5566 very popular with ang moh girls too! Posted by Hello

I'm going to end off this post like this, I'm completely speechless + starstruck. Not to mention sleepy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

celebrity worship phenomenon! that's my research interest. hahaha!

8:38 PM  
Blogger Chinogypsie said...

you can use my pics if u want haahah...

2:04 AM  

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