Wednesday, April 27, 2005


Apparently, in China they have an almost equivalent to our Singapore “Lah”. I shall proceed to use some examples I have encountered here to illustrate its usage.

Like when my dad’s friends feed me to death at their over-sumptuous dinner (trust me, one can be sick of eating good food). But, I digress. For example, in protest for overeating, I would say “不能,我吃太多了呀!”

If one were to be at any service counter desiring help whatsoever of a problem, most of the civil servants will deny vehemently (especially if they can’t benefit from the situation – similar to me when I argue with DHL & the customs regarding my stuck packages) “但是, 不关我部门的呀!”. Like they say here in Singapore it’s tak bollah (kicking the ball around), nobody wants to take real responsibility for the problem.

However, when it comes to paying taxes or when one unintentionally causes their jobs to be impeded due to an accident (particularly the administrators in my office); they will turn to you indignantly “你答应我今天送来地呀!”. This will then be coupled with a look of why-are-you-so-stupid/clumsy slinking over like a snake on their faces.

*Disclaimer* There are of course, many more pleasant moments using this expression in China. But for the purpose of out little language lesson, these illustrations come much easier to me.

But I have to say it out loud – DHL service sucks!!!! Even if they were attentive after I screamed. They are definitely NOT experts in logistics. Or maybe my money isn’t worth their time. Those bastards!


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