Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Sad News

I can't get read my friends on blogspot.

I downloaded MSN but can't log in. Darn those crafty IT people!!!

Loading the internet takes a damn long time even though the LAN reads 100MPS (think that's what those internet speed things are supposed to be)

I can't read my friends on blogspot.


Some silver lining: Can still get your comments 'cos it's forwarded to my gmail :)


Blogger 斐葛倫 said...

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10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi hi keyue, how is everything in shanghai~
have you start looking for place to rent~~ haha better find a good one so we can stay at when we visit you :p

10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... you mention it, i remember i had this problem when i was in beijing.. can't access but could login to cannot access geocities also..

maybe you can blog on livejournal instead. hehehehe ;)

3:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, you can ask your friends on blogspot to add your email add on the "send updates" section..then you can read their blogs on your email. :)

3:44 PM  

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