Friday, April 22, 2005

色彩夺目的上海 (Part II)

I only wanted to buy a pair of socks. Honest.

Following the beacons Posted by Hello

'Orchard Road' of Shanghai Posted by Hello

Was purposefully walking towards Xu Jia Hui, the ‘Orchard Road’ of Shanghai (more like in terms of price than anything heh…) Took a detour because I wanted to explore the side lanes for potential dinner places. In the end it was oh so fruitful!!! I found a small boutique that sold designer clothes (FCUK, Abercrombie, Anna Sui, some European labels) at around SGD12 and above. Lalalalalalala….*Gleefully rubbing hands together* I’ll post the address here once I figure out what street it is on >.<

Oh yes…my experience at the shop. The 老板娘was soooo mean to me!!! She kept telling me that I can’t fit into some of the clothes that I had chosen and there was apparently no size for me (only a few sizes for each design). At that moment, I transformed immediately into a big, red hippopotamus. Angry hippopotamus. How could she??!!! Bitch I muttered under my breath and surrendered the ‘ill-fitting’ clothes meekly (she was louder than me). Turns out she was right. They would not have fitted well at all because with all the other clothes, she was spot on with the size. Saved me a lot of trouble changing in and out of my clothes. Well…the designers probably had those skin-and-bones-anorexic models in mind when conjuring these clothes *bastards*

Great end to a horrific day isn’t it? 太灵了!(Slang for excellent)


Blogger Anal Analyst said...

Hehe! So fun leh!

Miss you! Write more! Post more pictures!

Hey do you know my ancestors are from Shanghai? Didn't realise it was such a pretty place! Hehe.

10:01 AM  

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