Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Did you go home last night?

The motivated worker in me has awakened. (In other words, fire has started to burn my ass). Been trying to change my working style of having less overly late nights, so this means starting work earlier.

Obviously my previous records or arriving not-so-on-time for work are against me.

A few days ago, I was the first to arrive in the office. Despite appearing in clean clothes, my colleague upon seeing me (hard at work for some time heh...) proclaimed "Woah, did you go home last night?". Ahem.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Next drink please!

You Are a Strawberry Daiquiri

You're a fun, playful drinker who loves to party.
You may get totally wasted, but you're always a happy drunk!

So is roomie/ meimei heh...

Monday, November 20, 2006

I hate you

Written to DL, customized from the move "10 things I hate about you":

I hate the way you talk to me. And the way you don't let me cut your
hair. I hate the way you take hold of the remote control and 'allow'
me to watch shows you want to watch. I hate it when you stare. I hate
your big ugly black leather shoes (you know which one!). And the way
you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick-- it even makes
me rhyme. I hate the way you're always right. I hate it when you make
plans without me. I hate it when you make me laugh -- even worse if
you make me cry. I hate it that you're not around. And the fact that
you didnt call.

But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you - - not
even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.

Overheard in Shanghai - unappreciated spotlight glam elevators

These spolight glam elevators at 3 on the bund, designed to make you feel like a superstar clearly went unappreciated by some.

50-ish male: Why do they have to make the lifts so dark?
(followed by flurious nods of agreement by companions). It's not as if the elevator is a 舞厅*

*舞厅: Mandarin styled Hong Kong nightclub with dancing hostesses and that drink with you*

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Superfluousness is overrated

Got forwarded a series of extremely sharp science fiction stories. It's an eye-opener how random words put together can even sound funny. Superfluousness is overrated.


Schadenfreude. Then, I was ray zapped. - quirkykitty


Maybe I'll do a small spin experiment on this idea - T's farewell and Christmas as themes for these six-word stories.

For T's farewell, inspirations should come from what we know about or shouts her personality out.
Hee. Just got it!


Blondes, who said they were dumb? (T's as blonde as can be, but a mighty sprightly and bright one!)


And now off to bed.

Story: Self-acceptance

I wish I could come up with stories like this.

Sureness in uncertainty

She finally updated on her situation, so now I can legitimately write to her without feeling I just chanced about a dark secret. Really, it's not, by the way she puts it.

"many people have told me i'm being brave. but really it's not being scared in the first place. public speaking scares me more than shaving my head. when i do public speaking i'm forced to be brave by circumstances - like i need to make the grade for something. but going through this is not being brave. literally just taking it each day as it comes. i don't know what tomorrow will be like and if it will be the same as today or yesterday. but the fact of the matter is i'm not scared. it's not defiance either. for whatever reason i'm just not afraid. and it's not about pride or anything. just know that somehow it will be ok whatever the outcome."

Have quoted an excerpt from Tuesdays with Morrie many times to friends - only when you learn how to die, will you truly learn how to live. And still, oftentimes I fight this natural logic. Trying hard to reason, answer whys and straighten out the uncertain creases in my life. The fear for living really is stemming from being scared about not making the grade. Except we're trying hard to make the grade with ourselves. One hand hits us with the cane of rationality, the other feels the invisible pain of with-holding. When actually with a large broth of reason, large sprinkles of forgiveness, compassion and constantly adding quartered cubes of not-taking-myself-too-seriously to take away the astringency of pride - intuitively we are able to make decisions best for ourselves and people who love us.

And casually, before you know it, it will be ok whatever the outcome.

Owner of 5 pairs of shoes in two weeks

Right to left: From Hooker to Social Escort to more Proper shoes

Touchdown of parents

*Post below may contain information too raw for straightlaced readers*

happy to parent me!

Had a panic attack on their arrival! All the gentle admonitions and reminders to stay healthy were too much for my rebellious genes. Silent screams threatening to erupt at any moment. Escaped to the safehouse today with Drug Lord (who is sick and in need of pampering as well) for some quiet time before returning back to mordor. The dark lords have plotted to pack my room and questioned me (where is the trust between us?) if I had lost my grandmother's ring. OF COURSE NOT! Hope they found the condoms and p0rn D gave me; a rude shock is in order for rummaging through my stuff!!!

After dad went to bed, I spotted this. Yes, this is explains why I'm a TV addict too.

Dad is a bigger TV addict than me

I'm sure these 2 weeks will have many more stories as always from my livingintheirownuniverse parents.

One conversation already went like this:

Dad: Please try to cut down on pubs, they have so much second hand smoke. It'll give you cancer you know.

Me: But people smoke everywhere, I can't hide.

Dad: ......(*silence*)


Stay tuned for future episodes.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Tender moment

Tonight at JZ, I spotted love.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Ultimately embarrassed me

At least on a business trip I can blog more.

Like all China hotels, the veneer of this Guangzhou Global Link hotel is immaculate, while crap slugs are waiting to slide out from the shadows of their shiny marble floors.

Complained about non-working broadband connection to service boy who came by my room to check. After changing two LAN wires and countless insertions later, still no satisfaction. What can they do but change rooms for the troublesome and bitchy guest? You would think the story ends at that. No loh!

Ten minutes into setting up laptop, happily chatting and surfing...ding dong. Same service boy that helped me earlier passed me a semi-transparent plastic bag. I spotted my purple panties immediately, mocking me for forgetting. I had left it to dry in the bathroom this morning! Thankfully he didn't hand it out to me, literally.


Party girl

2nd this week and countless times someone has texted/ called me to ask about clubs to recommend in Shanghai. Information about some places I haven't even been before heh...Today when a schoolmate called to ask for some night spots, I could only name a few that came to my mind like Zapatas and Babarrosa; and rarely do I frequent them now. Funny how I managed to 'position' myself as party girl of Shanghai when I didn't even do so much of it back in Singapore.

Here to me, partying is really about the company. About getting silly alcohol-induced highs, forgetting that we're away from our family & friends - to spend as much time as we can together, because we're each others family here.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Disappearing act

Work has been looming over my shoulder with more ferocity than I imagined. Other than spending time with Drug Lord (DL) - of which, things have become clearer that we are going to give things a shot (pun unintended) - life has been happening without me.

1) Sister popped my niece out on 26th Oct, 10.26am
2) M.I.A - Tanja, meimei. Awaiting your return guys...
3) Secondary school friend has cancer, will most likely be making a trip back home soon to spend some time with her.
4) News of upcoming weddings to attend. Flying back will be a bitch on my shallow pocket.
5) Emails/ letters half-written in my mind and willing for my hand to write/ type.
6) Parents arriving this weekend - ETA 12.11.06 and have no idea what time. Although much time has been allocated the day before to clean up my act and my verily catastrophic 'tornado-just-went-through' room.