Friday, November 10, 2006

Ultimately embarrassed me

At least on a business trip I can blog more.

Like all China hotels, the veneer of this Guangzhou Global Link hotel is immaculate, while crap slugs are waiting to slide out from the shadows of their shiny marble floors.

Complained about non-working broadband connection to service boy who came by my room to check. After changing two LAN wires and countless insertions later, still no satisfaction. What can they do but change rooms for the troublesome and bitchy guest? You would think the story ends at that. No loh!

Ten minutes into setting up laptop, happily chatting and surfing...ding dong. Same service boy that helped me earlier passed me a semi-transparent plastic bag. I spotted my purple panties immediately, mocking me for forgetting. I had left it to dry in the bathroom this morning! Thankfully he didn't hand it out to me, literally.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

and now, with that uncalled for revelation of the colour of your undergarments, we all stand jointly embarrassed with you. Very nice going! Would be grateful if you could put "caveat: the below post may have unnecessary detail which may make you blush with embarrassment" at the top of such posts in the future.

a casual reader

7:26 AM  

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