Bimbotic thoughts
Having tame, fashionable hair even at 4am in the morning, considering that I woke up at 6.30am err...yesterday.
Yippeeee boarding now back to Singapore!
Having tame, fashionable hair even at 4am in the morning, considering that I woke up at 6.30am err...yesterday.
...using the sea like my personal pee place;
Red-capped adidas toting Chinamen, about 25 of them queuing at customs flying to Singapore. Their collective red caps screamed for attention what their inner voices could not. All their expressions were mismatched - apprehension, excitement, fear, nervousness, hopeful anticipation - much like their clothes. What was familiar (and this was the part that had me depressed) was seeing a burly, hairy chested caucasian man give them instructions in fluent mandarin on customs procedure. Colonial past of workers at quarries working for East India Company to the present sweat shops. Different setting, same life. My guess was that they were going to be construction workers in Singapore.
I've been getting constant beeps through those metal detectors. Either I've been getting more than my fair share of iron from veges (which I doubt it), or my hidden identity is the million dollar woman and I'm not aware of it. Though, both rule me out in saying this - balls of steel brudder, balls of steel.
Am stuck in Beijing airport with full force of Murphy's law working. Plagued by bad weather, then engine problems. From 2am flight to 4am flight. 4am flight!!! This is even more frustrating than not getting what you want!
Oh how I love them!
Stuffer & thrower. Mine's definitely that. All the boxes that are neatly packed are definitely not done by me. It's all a basketball game of stuff and throw, all my clothes land deftly into boxes. I score! But am defeated by the thought of folding them up to fit more.
Amazing, two commercial movies based on climate change & demise of the electric car.
The horse's owner gave him a sweet zebra
By whom he had been quite smitten
The next morning the owner was shocked
To see him all scratched and bitten.
'Good gracious! Whatever happened?'
'Well, she was like three kicking llamas
I spent the whole night just trying
To remove those damn pyjamas!'
'I love you because I need you'
His declaration touched my heart's core.
'I need you because I love you'
Wait – which declaration said more?
Bestie is arriving tomorrow upon my 'commands' last week.
I teared when I won a ice-cream cake for my colleagues;
See, the problem is not the addiction, but you grew attached to the object of your addiction.
They are here!
At the back of a jeepney half-filled with bags of charcoal, wood and 'mystery'bags; in the heart of Nusugbu, just two hours away from Manila. She was sitting directly opposite me as we scrambled on the back of the jeepney before it drove away with our guts. While her companion was cheekily glancing at me from behind her, she remained aloof, insistent on gracing me with only a side of her, dark chocolate hair wispily falling around her melon-seed like chin and matching eyes. The sharp chin held such strong-willed defiance, there was not a part of me that wished to be fixated on another. Then a sudden stop, a small joke out of miscommunication, broke my unrequited fixation. For once the grin I gave was not reciprocatory from one stranger to another. My smile was equally shy. She had that effect on me.