Thursday, June 29, 2006

Unphotographable 2

Red-capped adidas toting Chinamen, about 25 of them queuing at customs flying to Singapore. Their collective red caps screamed for attention what their inner voices could not. All their expressions were mismatched - apprehension, excitement, fear, nervousness, hopeful anticipation - much like their clothes. What was familiar (and this was the part that had me depressed) was seeing a burly, hairy chested caucasian man give them instructions in fluent mandarin on customs procedure. Colonial past of workers at quarries working for East India Company to the present sweat shops. Different setting, same life. My guess was that they were going to be construction workers in Singapore.

Life can be extremely hard in China; resources and opportunities are scarce for those not living in first tier or industry-driven cities of growth. They just want a better life, those men. I just don't know what is a 'better life'. Going to Singapore and be looked upon as a second class citizens; even though, they are doing us a favour by filling jobs we wouldn't want to be seen doing. It's an honest life, albeit a grimy one. Ditto for our Filipino domestic helpers and nurses as well. Treat them with a little more respect. Your money though contributes to their family income doesn't buy their dignity. And stop looking at them like they are going to rape you any minute or take it up with strange foreign men. You know you're thinking about it.


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