Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Homeward bound

Am stuck in Beijing airport with full force of Murphy's law working. Plagued by bad weather, then engine problems. From 2am flight to 4am flight. 4am flight!!! This is even more frustrating than not getting what you want!

Disaster of the day: No contact lense case. Silly me forgot.
Solution: 2 lovely Beijing girls helped me to wash those dainty thousand-island/ mayo sauce containers for me; and in the process saved my eyes!!!

Don't mind the exaggerated exclamation marks. I am lacking self-expression here as people are sleeping in business class lounge that I managed to sneak myself in. Will catch forty winks soon, but somehow I don't think that will take away the sinking feeling in my heart. Whatever that is stemming from, I don't care to find out.


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