Thursday, May 12, 2005

Not my dream man haha...literally

Don't always remember dreams, but some just 'scare' the hell out of me


Kitty nerd's mobile says:
i'm just so tired man...been dreaming all the time

glitzy: falluja and axis of evil says:
dreaming about what? haha

Kitty nerd's mobile says:
no idea

Kitty nerd's mobile says:
just so random

Kitty nerd's mobile says:
yesterday i dreamt abt hamsters

glitzy: falluja and axis of evil says:

glitzy: falluja and axis of evil says:
your ahbeng influenced you

Kitty nerd's mobile says:

Kitty nerd's mobile says:
must be

Kitty nerd's mobile says:
and then i also dreamt about kissing old dj bernard lim

Kitty nerd's mobile says:
very very bizzare

glitzy: falluja and axis of evil says:

glitzy: falluja and axis of evil says:

glitzy: falluja and axis of evil says:
oh my god, your fantasy is BERNARD LIM?!

Kitty nerd's mobile says:

Kitty nerd's mobile says:
he just appeared in my dreams!!!

glitzy: falluja and axis of evil says:
don't deny..

Kitty nerd's mobile says:
maybe he dreamt of me and then i was forced to kiss him

Kitty nerd's mobile says:
i remember it was not very pleasant

glitzy: falluja and axis of evil says:

glitzy: falluja and axis of evil says:
you're weird


Yes, I'm weird.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

whats with the dreams!!! Is it a hint that you are longing for a guy to come into ur life?

12:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wanted to write an email to you. But i have changed my mind, after looking at the number of comments you have on ur blog. hahahaha!! just kidding. Well, just want to let you know that you have one faithful reader here, who rhhmm.. once in a while will nose herself around ur blog to find out the latest happening in your live.... So do update your blog diligently okie.

1:32 AM  
Blogger Anal Analyst said...

Oei! Dr. Freud says that "even dreams with a painful content are to be analysed as wish-fulfilments (ref: pg 47, para 2 "The Interpretation of Dreams" by Sigmund Freud) and "wherever a wish-fulfilment is unrecognisable and disguised there must be present a tendency to defend oneself against this wish, and in consequence of this defence the wish is unable to express itself save in a distorted form." (ref: pg 37, para 3 "The Interpretation of Dreams" by Sigmund Freud).

A suppressed desire for Bernard Lim? Hahahah..... Or maybe Bernard Lim is a distorted image of the person you desire but subconsciously censor?

9:44 AM  

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