Sunday, January 13, 2008

Snooze you!

Many of my friends will agree that the greatest invention is the snooze button on the mobile phone. No more waking up rudely and better yet, continue snatching on to driftwoods of sleep.

One morning, I woke up to the trumpets of the snooze alarm and was quite mad. As a physical reaction, instead of snoozing my mobile, I slapped my hand on DL's nose to snooze him. (Although he wasn't making any sounds beside me at that time)

Truth be told, he does need some well-deserved snoozing when he snores or wakes me up from dreams just as I'm about to play with two kittens.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Smart way to sneak in a smack for good measure. Heh
- clara

7:43 PM  

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