Monday, October 22, 2007

Ruthlessly dumping you

All the nail polishes and lip balms are turning funky - either with weird smells or clumpy colours.

So out you go!
I will just have to be disciplined to stick to 2 colours this winter. (Part of money saving scheme)


I signed in favour of overturning 377a (law that criminalizes gay sex) and am dismayed many do not use their full name. Is self-censorship so strong? How can one be so afraid to stand up for one's beliefs?

I'm not going into a long explanation why I believe in gay rights (they are not special groups mind you), just normal people that love, die and feel filial piety the same. And I can understand if people do not feel comfortable in the presence of gays, since the unknown is always fearful. Although that is really different from discriminating someone. Be clear about that.

You know, when you deal with people, it is hard to categorize like lip glosses. It is hard to discard them like a funky smelling spoilt lip gloss. Because people do not spoil, but your imposing your beliefs and forcing them to hide their true selves can spoil them inside. And that, you can never replace; not even with a different shade of sheer shimmery peach.



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