Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Fat puppy vs. fluffy kitty - round 1 faceoff

I can now see why marriage is such a formidable hurdle to overcome for someone as young as myself. In the mornings, I already start talking to him from the minute the toothbrush leaves my mouth till the time my eyes or his eyes close. Having lived alone for 2 years, this is something to get used to.

So what happens this week is that we are constantly around each other! There are no working hours to miss or distract each other from ..well...each other. I have to admit, I am probably the more easily grumpy and needs more personal space among the two of us. Having DL in the house is really like having a puppy jumping around, asking for attention and constantly smothering (I may complain, but most of the time I like it). But is holidays! I did NOT expect it to be so intense!

Can´t you go to bed without me? But I like hugging you to bed!
Can´t you not talk for one minute? In my culture we are more open about our feelings and you talk all the time! Why are you suddenly so quiet?
Why do I have to do this now that you have finished your work? I´m sorry, I didn´t notice. (Ha! draw first blood for fluffy kitty!)

Now I can imagine why most couples, after they ROM, no problemo; then upon living together have a deathmatch. On the other hand, there is C who is always smoochy and co-exists (she must mean train up her husband to do her bidding) harmoniously with her husband heh...

Have to stop rambling on before my parents call me up anxiously after reading this post to wonder how serious my fight is with DL. Or maybe they are secretly glad that the evil white boy and I are going on our downward spiral path to demise hmmmmmmmm.........

DL and I are fine, thankfully he is very patient and knows I am just resisting all kinds of domestication and routine. Fat puppy is scheming too, he knows the first step to domestication is to build routine. Once you are used to that person, you hardly can let go.

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Blogger annethia said...

Just your luck... cos you have got a hyper kid!
Now, when given personal space, I dont even know how to use it anymore.

4:55 AM  

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