Tuesday, August 21, 2007

You're not a gold coin that everyone likes - can't please everyone, especially me

For the past few weeks, work has not been the most inspiring experience. I find myself discontented and distorted by:

1. China phenomenon of high pay, despite ambiguous experience.
2. Being out of control of own time due to boss being a little disorganized e.g. no clear deadline, then all of a sudden "I want it done by tomorrow."
3. Banished to detail hell of re-checking a colleague's work 7 times in 2 days.

And more, but you get the idea. And I think my solution is to get more pay!!!

Obviously because I will feel guilty for not working more, which now I feel guilty for getting off work on time *rolls eyes* and to make up for all the interruptions from questions and checking. But I shouldn't be held responsible just because I do not want to work over time this week! As long as project is eventually running smoothly and time spent training juniors have a large chunk; I should be allowed to GO HOME ON TIME!

And why did I develop that payment sheet for my account only to have you ignore it! It is damn irritating to chase for accounts all the time!

Seriously, I don't care about developing new business when juniors can't write proper screener, speak/ write proper english; boss has no comments about my reports or help developing a client (well, only if you consider sitting in a presentation support).

There. Feel so cathartic.

To be fair, it's hard to fully blame my boss cos I know he's also trying his best to manage a big team and probably has his own stresses. He did also buy me Twister from Japan. Heh.

Will have to catch him at the end of this year and be honest. My deadline for patience is probably till then.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How true tt people leave their jobs because of their bosses...my boss is equally nice, but disorganized.

He makes broad commitments, without keeping anyone else informed in the email loop.
70% of the time I'm just making changes to accomodate what he committed. Highly unproductive

*sigh* - clara

10:05 PM  

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