Wednesday, July 25, 2007

...and we're back!

We arrived to Shanghai last saturday and have been busy sorting everything out in the new apartment. How does one fit two people's lives (not including housemate yet) into a 142sq m house? Plenty of food to fill two cabinets, so for the next few weeks, eating at home it shall be! (whips out apron)


So about DL's illness, we spent 4 worriesome nights in ICU because and then 10 days in the ward. Luckily by day 3 in ICU the muscle enzymes began to plateau and the doctors were predicting a rainbow would appear across the horizon. So we all heaved a sigh of relief that there would be no further muscles weakening, which may have resulted in kidney or respiratory failure.

Throughout it all, we had guardian angels. Winnie & Tia (colleague in HK & boss in India) trying to get earliest tickets for his sister out of Bogota, my colleagues and boss in Shanghai letting me work offsite, Bjorn (Big Boss) who flew from Singapore to visit him. I was deeply touched by the weight of compassion & generosity that his words held.

I have a blank credit card with me so don't worry about the insurance not paying
for your sister's trip here. At this point, we are just concerned about doing
the right thing.

Guess what! He even offered to pay for my hotel stay. (And did!) I'm totally floored.

Before all this, my only thoughts was that all this was such bad luck, such inopportune timing. We were scheduled to move apartments the same weekend he was flying to hong kong for treatment; I had reports to write.

But it all managed to sort itself out - Reports within time (I didn’t say on time!), not much projects on my side that enabled me to work off-site, apartments moved (with many people’s help).

And they say, everything reveals itself in its own time. In the end, I’m just thankful.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds bad...glad that you've pulled it through though. Hope everything smoothens out for you soon.


12:00 AM  

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