Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Surprise party

Thank you for the gifts! Very sweet of everyone to plan a surprise dinner. Managed to catch up with some friends (though it would have been better if 1-2 MIA ones turned up) and it's just a good excuse for everyone to have some fun. Thanks for meimei for planning it! Though the first part of the surprise did not quite work out because a friend who could not make it to dinner gave me a heads up the night before. It wasn't hard to put all the pieces together once important clues of "birthday dinner", "what cuisine can you eat and not get bored?" and "I would like to meet you for dinner alone tomorrow at Sake Bar & grill" spring up.

But they did manage to pull off the ultimate surprise! Somehow meimei and DL had been plotting for him to arrive earlier (than intended 10.30pm) for dinner. I couldn't believe it when DL and his full beard grinned as I turned around to see who was tickling me, cannot be! I was the one that changed his flight tickets to the latest possible flight! Apparently, DL kept checking back with the Visa people to ensure they get his parent's visa's done asap and ran to catch the 4.30pm flight. When he texted me to say the flight was delayed by 25min, he was already in Shanghai, on his way to meet me! Sneaky, sneaky people!

Trivia of the day: No airline will be so specific to inform passengers how long the delay will be. So do not be tricked! heee...

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The dress looks lovely. Happy belated gal!

12:10 PM  

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